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Ilmu Dasar Photoshop Ilmu dasar Photoshop, mulai dari pembuatan document baru sampai filling dan stroking document... more >>
Cara Ngewarnain Photo item puti Begini nech carenye biar photo enya' yang udah bulukan jadi cakep lagi. more >>
Efek Soft tone pada foto
Efek warna lembut pada photo. more >>
Efek Grunge pada Foto
Efek warna grunge yg terkesan vintage. more >>
Tool-tool Photoshop (3 part)
Pengenalan tool- tool pada program photoshop. more >>
Creating roller shutter in Photoshop
On this tutorial you will learn to create a realistic wood roller shutter texture using only Photoshop Tools. more >>
Dark Knight Rises Poster in Photoshop
In this tutorial I will show you how to create the Dark Knight Rises poster in Photoshop more >>
Instagram Your Foto...
It's a very simple effect and very easy to accomplish in Photoshop. more >>